Growing up surrounded by the mountains and open spaces of the South Island, the landscape has long been an inspiration to artist Charles Pickworth.
Working in oils and acrylics on canvas, Charles is a self-taught artist. He began his own artistic journey while working as a gatekeeper for the railways, painting with one arm after contracting polio as a young boy which in turn led to an amputation when he was 20 years old. With permission from his boss, he painted landscapes from photographs during the quiet work hours. Displaying his work in their large smoko room. Now a full time painter, Charles has refined and developed his techniques over the decades, bringing his own unique style to each painting.
His work often takes him out of location to dramatic peaks and coastlines of the South Island, creating scenes from the landscape he is drawn to or that which his special meaning for his customers. This can be anything from a bach in Marlborough Sounds, a road often travelled or other subject matters including family pets, animals, boats and planes and still life.
Charles Pickworth: